My Favorite Year

What is your favorite year ever for pop culture? Which single year had the best movies, music and TV shows? Gen-Xer Chris McBrien and Millennial Yancy Eaton each give their favorite year ever in terms of pop culture. They run down movies, TV shows, music and more as it pertains to their favorite year in pop culture ever.

Chris’ favorite year is 1981.

Yancy’s favorite year is 1999.

During the “Fun With Yancy” segment, Chris quizzes Yancy on pop culture trivia from 1999. Yancy in turn quizzes Chris on pop culture trivia from 1981.

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Theme song – “Fantasy Life” by H-Beam provided by Music Alley.
“Top of the Pops” theme – “Warm Up” by Alain Galarneau provided by Music Alley.